
Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Angiogenesis and Villous Maldevelopment of the Placenta

Angiogenesis and Villous Maldevelopment of the Placenta


            The placenta has long been thought to be a specific human structure. In modern times, however, it has become clear that the human chorioallantoic placenta represents one of three basic types of placentation (chorionic, chorioallantoic, yolksac placentation) which occur in all mammals.1
            The fully developed villous hemochorial placenta appears to be almost completely composed of fetal blood vessels which present an extensive capillary bed to the circulating maternal blood for physiologic exchange related to fetal respiration, alimentation and elimination.1

An assessment of placental pathology is useful for couples in resolving issues arising from pregnancy complications, including perinatal loss. It is also useful to clinicians for determining the underlying mechanisms leading to pregnancy complications and for guiding future investigations and interventions relating to pre-pregnancy counselling and pregnancy care. Placental pathology can correlate with adverse neonatal and, particularly, neurodevelopmental outcomes, even in the normally grown infant. Despite this, very few studies have examined the relationship between placental pathology and neonatal outcomes in a large population. Also, the placental pathology report often arrives weeks or months after the delivery, at which time it is of little use in guiding early neonatal care.2

On microscopic examination to placenta, we can to see villous maldevelopment of placenta which due to hypoxia. Villous maldevelopment of placenta are closely related to angiogenesis, so we explain both of them on this script.


            Because of the obvious importance of formation of vessels for the understanding of decisive steps of villus development, some general principles of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis as well as the respective findings in the placenta shall be summarized here. According to Folkman and Shing (1992), Risau and Flamme (1995), and Risau (1997), formation of vessels can be subdivided in two processes that differ regarding mechanisms and control:
• Vasculogenesis involves de novo formation of blood vessels from mesodermally derived precursor cells. Throughout placentation, it takes place during the development of the first villous vessels at the transition from secondary to the tertiary villous stage (from day 18 through about day 35), and later in pregnancy during formation of mesenchymal villi out of immature intermediate ones.
• Angiogenesis is the expansion of a preexisting vessel bed and involves creation of new vessel branches from preexisting ones as well as longitudinal growth of vessels.3

Throughout placentation it is the principal mechanism for the development of the vascular supply of immature intermediate villi, stem villi, mature intermediate villi, and terminal villi. Placental angiogenesis must be further subdivided regarding its mechanisms and the geometry of the resulting vascular bed (Kingdom & Kaufmann, 1997; Kaufmann & Kingdom, 2000; Charnock-Jones et al., 2004) into of the following categories:
Branching angiogenesis: This term describes a pattern in which multiple sprouting of microvessels produces a complex, multiply branched capillary web. This is the principal type of angiogenesis from day 32 until about week 24 during development of mesenchymal and immature intermediate villi.
Nonbranching angiogenesis: In this type of angiogenesis branching by sprouting is the exception. Rather, the vascular bed expands by elongation of existing capillary loops. This mode of angiogenesis starts at about week 24 when mesenchymal villi start developing into mature intermediate villi and the latter start producing terminal villi. It lasts until term. Under pathologic conditions it may become the only mode of angiogenesis. Under normal conditions it takes place in combination with branching angiogenesis.3

            Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new vascular beds, and is a critical process for normal tissue growth and development. Although numerous factors have been implicated in angiogenesis, recent observations, including gene knockout studies in mice, have led to the identification of the major factors regulating the angiogenic process, including those that occur during placental vascularization.4,5

These angiogenic factors include the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and the angiopoietin (ANG) protein families, as well as their respective receptors. That recent studies have suggested that VEGF and FGF are major angiogenic growth factors of the placenta is not surprising because these two families of proteins probably account for most of the heparin-binding angiogenic activity produced by both ovarian and placental tissues.4,5

Oxygen and Oxygen-Controlled Growth Factors as Regulators of Villous and Vascular Development

Only a little is known concerning the control of villous development. On the other hand, a broad variety of pathologic conditions, such as genetic abnormalities but also such as diabetes mellitus, maternal hypertension, maternal anemia or pregnancy in high altitude, rhesus incompatibility, and smoking during pregnancy, severely affect villous and fetoplacental vascular development. This list suggests that the villous and vascular maturational processes are influenced not only by genes but also by endocrine, metabolic, and environmental parameters. From these, only the role of oxygen has been studied in some more detail. The special role of oxygen in the placenta when discussing effects of oxygen in the placenta, one should be aware of the special role of this gas in the placenta.3,6,7

First, transplacental oxygen transfer is only one of many villous functions; however, its particular importance becomes evident from the fact that it is nearly the only villous function that, upon disturbance, within a short period of time may cause fetal death. Because of this, it is not surprising that the maternal oxygen supply to the placenta has a stronger impact on villous growth and differentiation than any other known parameter.3

Second and even more importantly, in most organs the interactions among density of vascularization, tissue oxygenation, and capillary growth follow the same pattern: a low degree of local vascularization results in insufficient oxygen delivery to this tissue. The resulting tissue hypoxia stimulates capillary growth and thus improves capillary density and local tissue oxygenation. On the other hand, optimum capillarization of a tissue under otherwise normal conditions guarantees a high tissue oxygenation and this, in turn, will block further angiogenesis. By contrast, in placental villi tissue oxygenation appears to be inversely related to the numerical density of fetal capillaries since, rather than delivering oxygen to the surrounding tissue, the latter extract it from the villi (Kingdom & Kaufmann, 1997).3

 • Consequently, a low numerical density of fetal capillaries because of reduced oxygen extraction by the fetal circulation, results in increasing intraplacental oxygen levels (Todros et al., 1999; Sibley et al., 2002), which, in turn, may negatively impact on the already poor vascularization (Charnock-Jones et al, 2004).
• And under otherwise constant conditions, high numerical densities of capillaries, resulting in high oxygen extraction by the fetal circulation, would lower intraplacental oxygen tensions (Todros et al., 1999; Sibley et al., 2002) and thus further stimulate growth of the already well-developed capillary bed (Charnock-Jones et al., 2004). It is evident that, when exceeding certain limits, both situations are predetermined to develop vicious circles.3

Types of Hypoxia and Its Effects on Villous Development

Because of the above-mentioned inverse relationship between the degree of capillarization and the level of tissue oxygenation, the term hypoxia in pregnancy often causes confusion. This is particularly true when the hypoxic compartment is not exactly defined. Does the hypoxia relate to mother, uterus, placenta, and the fetus, or to uterus, placenta, and fetus, or only to the fetus? 3

Based on a respective international symposium 1996 in Banff, the following types of hypoxia in the fetoplacental unit have been defined (Kingdom & Kaufmann,
1. In preplacental hypoxia, the mother, the placenta, and the fetus are hypoxic.  Underlying pathologies include pregnancy at high altitude (Jackson et al., 1987; Reshetnikova et al., 1993), maternal anemia (Piotrowicz et al., 1969; Beischer et al., 1970; Kadyrov et al., 1998), and cyanotic maternal cardiac diseases. In this condition, the peripheral placental villi show increased branching angiogenesis with formation of richly branched but shorter terminal capillary loops. These human data are consistent with animal experiments in chronically hypoxic guinea pigs (Scheffen et al.,
1990) and chronically hypoxic sheep (Krebs et al., 1997), in which both demonstrated increased branching angiogenesis. Interestingly, in the guinea pig, capillary diameters were reduced under these conditions (Bacon et al., 1984; Scheffen et al., 1990), whereas they were increased in the sheep (Krebs et al., 1997). At the present time, however, we do not understand which factors are responsible for controlling capillary diameter in the human placenta.
2. In uteroplacental hypoxia (e.g., preeclampsia with preserved umbilical end-diastolic flow), maternal oxygenation is normal, but because of impaired uteroplacental circulation (Alvarez et al., 1970; for review, see Brosens, 1988), the placenta and fetus are both hypoxic. In this situation, peripheral placental villi similarly show the formation of richly branching capillary networks  and fetal blood flow impedance is normal or even reduced (Kiserud et al., 1994; Hitschold et al., 1996). Preliminary Western blot data show increased expression of VEGF and reduced PlGF values in placentas of comparable cases (Ahmed et al., 1997), suggesting that placental VEGF expression was upregulated in vivo and caused the changes in angiogenesis.
3. In postplacental hypoxia (e.g., IUGR with absentumbilical end-diastolic flow), the  fetus is hypoxic whereas the mother is normoxic and the placenta may show even higher pO2 levels than normal, a situation described as placental hyperoxia (Macara et al., 1996; Kingdom & Kaufmann, 1997; for commentary, see Ahmed & Kilby, 1997). In this situation, the terminal villus capillaries are poorly developed, capillary branching  is virtually absent and the resulting fetoplacental flow impedance is considerably increased. Perinatal mortality is more than 40% in these circumstances and survivors of neonatal intensive care are at risk of neurodevelopmental handicap. Similar situations occur in locally restricted parts of the placenta as a consequence of fetoplacental vessel obstruction (Panigel & Myers, 1972; Fox, 1997). Preliminary Western blot data in postplacental hypoxia suggest a pattern of angiogenic growth factor expression in the placenta very different from that of preeclampsia with preserved umbilical enddiastolic flow, namely, a reduction of VEGF expression and relative dominance of PlGF (Ahmed et al., 1997).3,8

Several data support the view that the three variables described above, (1) intraplacental oxygen partial pressure, (2) the balance between VEGF and PlGF expression, and (3) the balance between branching and nonbranching angiogenesis, depend on each other:
• In normal first trimester pregnancy, physiologic intraplacental hypoxia favors VEGF expression and branching angiogenesis.
• In normal third trimester pregnancy, increased intraplacental pO2 results in a slight prevalence of PlGF expression and dominating but not exclusive nonbranching
• In several pathologic conditions of third trimester pregnancies, severe intraplacental hypoxia results in prevalence of VEGF expression and marked branching angiogenesis.
• Elevated placental oxygen pressures in severe early onset IUGR pregnancies (postplacental hypoxia) are combined with the dominance of PlGF expression and complete absence of branching angiogenesis in terminal villi.3

Classification of Villous Maldevelopment

            The histopathology of villous maldevelopment is based on the light microscopy of paraffin sections. Thus, the normal and pathologic features of the placenta are usually described in terms of the two dimensions apparent by light microscopy. These two dimensional findings very often do not reflect the underlying three-dimensional malformation of villi.3

Based on these considerations, the following sections briefly consider typical cases of villous maldevelopment and their three-dimensional branching patterns and the diagnostic problems they cause in histologic sections. The primary finding in placentas with villous maldevelopment is an abnormal numerical composition of otherwise largely normal villous types (Kaufmann et al., 1987):
• This is true for immature intermediate villi and the mesenchymal villi branching off, and for the mature intermediate villi and the terminal villi branching off. The villous trees in the case of villous maldevelopment differ from the mature villous trees at term by predominance of only one of these villous types at the expense of others. Furthermore, they differ concerning the type of capillarization of terminal villi.
• In contrast, the structure and the number of stem villi seem to be largely independent of the pathologic conditions. Rather, they are influenced by the stage of maturation (Macara et al., 1995; Todros et al., 1999). Therefore, even in cases of severe villous maldevelopment, they can be easily used for determination of gestational age (Kaufmann & Castellucci, 1995).3
Systematic analysis of the various cases of villous maldevelopment has shown that the balance among the various villous types is affected mainly by two different factors: the degree of placental maturation (Castellucci et al., 1990), and the degree of oxygenation (Macara et al., 1996; Kingdom & Kaufmann, 1997; Todros et al., 1999).3,8

Figure 3 summarizes the resulting types of maldevelopment as a diagnostic aid:
1. The vertical axis of the diagram represents the degree of maturation, resulting in changes in numerical composition of the villous trees. From the first trimester (top) until term (bottom), a developmental shift occurs from immature intermediate villi toward mature intermediate and finally terminal villi.
2. The horizontal axis of the diagram represents the degree and type of fetoplacental angiogenesis, controlled by intraplacental oxygen levels. The fetoplacental angiogenesis influences the numbers and shapes of terminal villi.
3. The left route of maturation represents villous features resulting from placental oxygenation that is better than normal (postplacental hypoxia). It is characterized by the predominance of nonbranching angiogenesis resulting in poorly developed, long, filiform terminal villi with long, largely unbranched capillary loops.
4. The right route of maturation is the result of intraplacental hypoxia (preplacental hypoxia and uteroplacental hypoxia). The low oxygen levels induce branching angiogenesis, resulting in clusters of richly developed, short, highly branched and notched terminal villi, showing intense Tenney-Parker changes.
5. The intermediate route of villous maturation is the result of normal oxygenation of the placenta. It is characterized by a balance between branching and nonbranching angiogenesis in terminal villi. The latter are grape-like in shape and poorly branched. Large numbers of such fungus-shaped terminal villi branch off from long, multiply bending mature intermediate villi.3,8

Villous Maturation Score

In our experience, villous cross-sectional patterns are difficult to define. Moreover, descriptions provided by different histopathologists are rarely comparable. In our hands, a simple two-digit code (villous maturation score) proved to be useful. It summarizes the developmental status of the villous trees including its numerical composition of the various villous types as well as the kind of terminal villous capillarization. As discussed earlier, number and differentiation of stem villi remain unconsidered.3

00 signifies uniform predominance of immature intermediate villi.
11 codes for general predominance of mature intermediate villi.
22 characterizes normally matured villous trees composed of normally capillarized mature intermediate and terminal villi.
33 denotes predominance of clustered terminal villi connected to each other by intense syncytial knotting, pointing to branching angiogenesis caused by preplacental or uteroplacental hypoxia.
44 codes for predominance of loosely arranged, extremely small, filiform terminal villi, resulting from nonbranching angiogenesis.3

Scores with mixed digits such as 23, 32, 01, or 40 describe features intermediate between the above extremes, the dominating feature represented by the first digit and the secondary feature by the second digit. For example, the score 23 codes for a more or less normally matured villous tree with a slight touch of Tenney-Parker changes, pointing to the existence of very mild hypoxia; in contrast, the score 32 denotes a similar situation with more pronounced Tenney-Parker changes.3

Using this score, the different pathways of villous development and maldevelopment can be described as follows (see Table 1):
• The normal maturation of villous trees described by this score starts with 00 [pregnancy weeks 8–23 postmenstruation (p.m.)] and proceeds via 01 (weeks 24–28), 10 (weeks 29–32), 11 (weeks 32–34), 12 (weeks 34–36), 21 (weeks 36–37) to 22 (weeks 38– 41). The scores 21 and 22 represent the normal range of villous maturational patterns at term. If delivery is delayed (prolonged pregnancies), the villi may even reach excessive degrees of branching and nonbranching angiogenesis with respective terminal villus formation, summarized by the score 34 or 43, depending on the prevailing type of angiogenesis.
Persisting villous immaturity can be described by the actual villous maturational stage as compared to the age-appropriate maturational score, given in parentheses: the score 00 (21) codes for a slightly preterm delivered placenta (weeks 36–37; expected ageappropriate score, 21) composed of immature intermediate villi, resembling a placenta from week 23 or earlier; the score 11 (22) codes for a placenta delivered at term, composed of stem and mature intermediate villi, but largely lacking terminal villi, thus resembling a placenta about weeks 32 to 34.
Accelerated villous maturation can be coded accordingly by characterizing the actual developmental status as compared to the score expected for that particular stage of pregnancy (in parentheses): the score 22 (12) describes a structurally fully mature placenta delivered between weeks 34 and 36 (preterm maturation, maturitas praecox placentae); the score 34 (22) codes for a placenta delivered at term, but displaying “hypermature” features composed of a mixture of enhanced branching and nonbranching angiogenesis.3

The developmental pathways resulting from abnormal degrees of placental oxygenation can also be characterized by the villous maturation score (Table 2):
• Villous trees in severely hypoxic placentas (preplacental and uteroplacental hypoxia), such as maternal anemia, high altitude, or preeclampsia, are characterized by scores proceeding from 00 via 03 and 30 to 33: The respective histologic features show syncytial knotting (Tenney-Parker changes) clearly exceeding normal degrees. Typically, in this developmental pathway mature intermediate villi (coded by the digit 1) do not dominate the sections in any stage.
Less severe cases of placental hypoxia result in villous features with less expressive knotting and are coded by 32 or 23, the latter entity still belonging to the normal range of full-term placentas.
• Cases of severe postplacental hypoxia (e.g., IUGR with absent end-diastolic flow in the umbilical arteries) are coded by scores proceeding from 00 via 04 and 40 to 44. The typical histologic features comprise increased numbers of filiform terminal villi of minimum diameters with absence of capillary branching. Also in these cases, the paucity of mature intermediate villi is highly characteristic; at the transition from the second to the third trimester, immature intermediate villi mix with terminal villi (stages 04 or 40).
Less severe cases of postplacental hypoxia lead to a mixture of normally matured terminal villi with filiform terminal villi resulting from nonbranching angiogenesis, coded by 42 to 24, the latter feature still belonging to the normal full-term range of villous development.3

Clearly, not all cases of villous maldevelopment can be coded accordingly. This condition is particularly valid for those abnormalities in which the quality of villous differentiation is affected rather than the numerical composition of the villous trees, including the types of angiogenesis.3

This villous maturation score is not the first attempt to classify villous maldevelopment. In table 3, Kurt Benirschke and friends have tried to compare their classification with the terminologies introduced by other authors (Becker, 1981; Vogel, 1984, 1996; Schweikhart, 1985; Becker & Röckelein, 1989).3


  1. Wallenburg H.C.S. On The Morphology and Pathogenesis of Placental Infarcts. Drukkerij Van Denderen. Groningen. 1971. Page 5-6.
  2. Beaudet L. Karuri S. Lau J. Placental Pathology and Clinical Outcomes in a Cohort of Infants Admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Obstetric Gynaecology Journal. 2007. Volume 29. Number 4. Page 315-323.
  3. Benirschke K. Kaufmann P. Baergen R.N. Pathology of The Human Placenta. Springer. New York. Fifth Edition. 2006. Page 147-148, 155-157, 491, 496-502.
  4. Reynolds L.P. Redmer D.A. Angiogenesis in The Placenta. Biology of Reproduction Journal. 2001. Volume 64. Page 1033-1040.
  5. Loganath A. Peh K.L. Wong Y.C. Angiogenesis in Placenta From Normal and Pathological Pregnancies. Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology. National University Hospital. Singapore.
  6. Nikkels P.G.J. Placenta Pathology Associated with Maturation Abnormalities and Late Intrauterine Fetal Death. Department of Pathology. UMC Utrecht. Netherlands.
  7. Stallmach T. Hebisch G. Meier K. Rescue by Birth: Defective Placental Maturation and Late Fetal Mortality. Obstetric Gynaecology Journal. 2001. Volume 97. Number 4. Page 505-509.
  8. Baergen R.N. Manual of Benirschke and Kaufmann’s Pathology of The Human Placenta. Springer. New York. 2005. Page 342-343.

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